Monthly Archives: June 2007

The Secret of “The Secet”- Connecting the Dots

By now, it’s no secret that “The Secret” has struck a nerve with both fans and critics alike.  The Secret’s message of “The Law of Attraction” is that everything you attract into your life is the result of what you put out into the world.  If you subscribe to Rhonda Byrne’s “purist” view, you believe that EVERYTHING including health, relationships, success, your father’s drinking habit, and the color of the eyes on the Mona Lisa are within within your realm of control. How could the color of the eyes of the Mona Lisa be in your control? I don’t believe that The Secret did a good job of explaining HOW you could possibly be in control of everything in the universe and that a good deal of the controversy comes from people wanting to know how you connect those dots.

I’m from Missouri (not really), so “show me”. I like to know how to connect the dots. I also like to figure out how to connect the dots for myself. One of the positive messages in many of these types of works is that you can have ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in your life that you wish, you just need to be committed to having it. Pehaps it would be better to not use absolute words like “anything, everything, never, always”. Didn’t your mother tell you to never say “never”? How about we rewrite the above statement to read: “You can GENERALLY have anything you want in your life”. Better? Critics would say yes. Marketers are screaming right about now. When we tone down the message with the word generally, doesn’t the message lose something? Are you inspired to take action when when the coach tells you that we have a pretty good shot at beating this team, however the opposing team’s undefeated record leaves some amount of mental doubt as to our chances? Do you want a that coach or do you want the coach who tells you that “you have already won and that because you have already won, the othe team doesen’t have a chance in hell of beating us today! You ARE champions!”

In my wealth management practice, I tell people that they can have whatever they want in their life.  In order to have what you want, we need to have a plan on how to get from point A to point B; you need to connect the dots so to speak. Frequently in life, people sell themselves short on their dreams, visions, and goals because of limiting assumptions that we have. “I’m too old for that, I don’t have the time, I don’t know the first thing about that, I would but, I could but, I should but”.  You CAN do that, you just have not made it a priority. Where there is a will there’s a way? Ever heard that? Our objective then becomes to figure out what it is that we truly want, and understand all of the limiting assumptions and excuses that are preventing us from attaining what we want, then create the roadmap to achieving those goals. 

Can you have ANYTHING you want? Can I be 25 again? I’m not sure. Frankly, to believe that life is completely within my control is much more empowering than feeling like i’m not in control. My greatest accomplishments in life have come from persistence and not giving up when people said it can be done. It’s done. That’s the Secret 🙂